Wolfram 7.1 - Watchdog Bypass, Better PlayerESP, Bugfixes

Wolfram 7.1 - Watchdog Bypass, Better PlayerESP, Bugfixes


  • Added Watchdog Bypass: Bypasses Watchdog, Gwen, etc. by preventing KillAura from attacking their fake entities. Enabled by default. Can be disabled by unchecking the “Watchdog Bypass” checkbox in the KillAura window.

    Notice: If you don’t have that checkbox, you can get it by resetting the GUI to its defaults (GUI Options > Presets > Default).

  • Redesigned PlayerESP: It’s now a simple box rather than a round cage, making it much easier to see the actual player inside of the ESP frame and also making it less laggy when a lot of players are nearby.

  • Added default settings for X-Ray

  • Fixed FreeCam getting stuck in walls

  • Fixed list GUIs (Account Manager, X-Ray Manager, etc.) not rendering properly

  • Fixed the scoreboard not rendering properly

  • Fixed Tracers not rendering properly

  • Fixed ProphuntESP causing a ton of lag sometimes

  • Fixed AirMove breaking Flight

  • Fixed GUI Presets breaking the Tab GUI


Downloads for this version are no longer available.

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